Recurse Center

| 1 minute read

I recently quit my job and decided to take an indefinite sabbatical. One of the things I had planned was to attend the Recurse Center. As described on their website, RC is a retreat where curious programmers recharge and grow. It is something I’ve wanted to experience for a long time, and this break felt like the perfect opportunity.

After chilling throughout December and enjoying a refreshing trip to AltSpace, I’m excited to kick off the new year by digging into the things I had planned for RC.

My goal is to delve into new areas and technologies I haven’t explored before. Over the next 12 weeks, I hope to work at the edge of my abilities.

Here’s my plan, in no particular order:

  • Attempt to go through the SICP textbook.

  • Build a flutter app in Dart and then convert it to ClojureDart.

  • Gain a basic understanding of what all is happening in the ML world and study Andrej Karpathy’s Neural Networks: Zero to Hero.

  • Understand database internals by actually implementing the core concepts.

  • Create a digital garden to consolidate my side projects.

  • Document my RC journey daily, or at least weekly.

  • Pair program with other recursers on their projects.

  • Learn a new language? Maybe Zig or Rust